This glorious reminder of my new life in Hollywood greets me every morning from my new apartment.  Okay, so I have to lay flat on my stomach on the back balcony to see it, but if that tree wasn't there it would be amazing!  I am planning a covert mission one night to chop the top 10 feet from the top of it but I am hoping a freak bolt of lightning will do the job for me before I have to figure out how to get up there. 

It's becoming quickly apparent that Hollywood is not all glamour and opportunity... there are just as many dreams being dashed as there are fulfilled.. in fact, I'd be willing to bet much more.  My dreams are on the dashing side right now.  Granted, I have had much more luck in the month I have been here than the 6 months I spent in the desert, but luck does not pay the bills.  You know what would?  A job...

In an attempt to keep my resume occupied while I am unemployed, I have taken an unpaid internship at an entertainment PR firm.  Well that's what they call themselves.  I have yet to experience any entertainment at all.  My boss is more eccentric than brilliant and the work is as dull as the weather this week.  At least I know the weather here is going to get better.  It is Hollywood, after all :) The job, however, I have to endure through May.  That is unless I find something else before then.

So in my spare time, which there is much too much of, I am looking for that opportunity that will get me out of [name omitted] and on my way to a successful career in the entertainment industry and I'll be blogging my way through the days for your enjoyment.

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    Maggie Stewart is the dramatic, cynical, slightly more ballsy, and slightly less real alter-ego of a girl just trying to make something of herself in Hollywood - said girl intends to hold nothing back, which is where Maggie comes in... this is real life.

    Any images, unless stated otherwise, are not my property and it is not my intention to represent them as such.  If you are the owner of any image on this site, please notify me and it will be immediately removed.

    Any content resembling an individual or company in real life is to be regarded as fiction and opinions stated in the blog are to be taken only as opinion and not as fact... even if they are, more often than not, true - which is why names have been changed ;)


    March 2010


    Unpaid Internship

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